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Showing posts from February, 2021

Lower your expectations; life will be easy

  Peoples who expect more from the life and peoples, it is painful when it breaks. In life when we expect more from other peoples, but things will not be easy and not happens as we want. At this moment, we feel unhappy and hopeless. This is because of the expectations either from ourselves or from the other peoples. If you want easy and happy life do not expect too much and looks towards the peoples having more problems than you. More expectations more pain/disappointment if it do not come true. Also, do not allow the other peoples to be the source of our frustration. Sometimes simple things become complicated because of your too much expectations. Thus, expect least; life will be easy and simple.


       There is always said that what are we doing for others? Reflect back in our life. Help to needy and person in trouble is great charity. There are several peoples are working for the charity work all around the world. You can donate or directly help in several ways to needy one. You can help to needy people for their treatment, donate for education,  provide food to  poor,  donate blood, charity for environment or cleanliness, protect wild life animals, public service or social cause etc. Charity works energize  yourself internally and you feel that really you have done something good for noble cause. This will also enhance your positive energy.

Start your day with good mood and positive mindset

  Positive energy is a state of mindset and situations around you. You can start your day with pray or fun with family members. Emotional attachment with peoples is necessary to understand each other and that comes from out thought process. Positive thoughts can be activate by making positive environment around you. In any situation the person with positive mindset always looks the positive side. Starting a day with good mood and positive mindset; you can approach to problem solving tasks and make a day stress-free.

Be kind and grateful for others

Retain positive energy with good mood and healthy relations with the peoples. Kind behavior  is always good for healthy relation and helps in reduce anxiety. It keeps things in positive perspective and feels happy. Good thinks always need appreciations and gratitude. Gratefulness is always good for happy living and builds good relationships. Kindness behavior  and gratefulness is key to maintain good relationships, increase positivity and live happy.

Believe in yourself

  There is always up and down in life. In certain moment of time and certain situations human feel helpless and frustrated. In this unfavorable situation, we need energy to overcome this unfavorable situation. The most important that every problem has solution and it take some time and down side has an upside. Believe in yourself and energies yourself that you will find out a best possible way to get out with the same.

Read motivational books & stories and watch motivational videos

  To stress free life; it is necessary to engage yourself in reading motivational book and stories or watch motivational videos/movies. Motivational book, stories, movies energies you and boost your confidence. Because of that it develops positivity and faith in you. The motivational energy generated in you really powerful to believe in yourself and energies to fight with failure and feel happy over sorrow.


To live happy life both mental health and physical health are necessary. Mental health can be maintain by meditation, make friendship with positive people around you, celebrate little things, think positive, go for outing etc. But physical health is also equally important and that can be maintained by healthy food and daily physical activities. On daily basis; you go for morning and evening walk, running may be good option, Cycling,  gym, etc. 

Meditation and concentration

  In stressful life and busy life schedule; give some time to yourself and calm down. There are lots the worries of workplace, social and personal life issues. To get piece and concentrate on particular thing you need to relax your mind and relax form thousands of thoughts going into your mind. Therefore, do meditations for 15-30 minutes a day for relax and calm down from your worries. The benefits of meditations are reduce stress, control anxiety, increase patience and emotions control, maintain mental health etc.

Celebrate the little things

  There is a lot of issues and up and downs in the life. To live happy celebrate the little things of victories generally we unnoticed these moments. E.g. Birthdays, Anniversaries, completed a important task, bought a device, child has done something, something creative work has completed for home or garden decoration, you bought something etc.

Do the little Things on daily basis; which you Love

  This is very important to live happy; do little things, we can do on daily basis which we love. E.g. play with Childs, listen the music which makes you happy, do little creative work at home and at work place, see the flowers/gardens near you, pray to god, eat your loving food, little funny talk with colleagues or with family members etc.

Find Positive Peoples and friendship with positive peoples

  To live happy discuss with your positive friends, talk with them, gossip & fun with them. Find positive people around you at workplace and neighbors. If your friends (school/college) in the job; then talk with them on at least weekly or fortnightly basis. When you talk with them you feel free and may get better suggestion or better way.  

Feel the Nature

  To relieve stress; you must go for outing with positive friends or with family; spend time with nature; inhale fresh air, listen and feel the sounds around you, see the greenery, hills, rivers, waterfalls, animals etc. You will feel relaxed and your frustrations go out. 

Think Positive Live Happy-Fun with friends and family

  Continue from... remind the good moments of your past; Involvement in physical sports activities with friends or with your family/child this will help to divert your attention and reduce stress level. So, spend time and talk to them, fun with them and Play with friends and family.

Think Positive Live HAPPY

. There are a lot of troubles in today's busy life. It has also increased due to Covid-19 pandemic. Talking about today's positive thinking, the most important thing is about your-self out of your busy schedule life. Remind the moments of your positive events or work or good things of your past time. Like playing games with childhood friends, gossiping with friends, helped someone, Participated in school activities etc. You can remove negativity or stress by remembering these positive moments. There are many other things you can do for stress reliving. Like meditation, yoga, believe in yourself, silence and think good things for few minutes or hours of day.   Continue in next blog..........